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Swayne, H.G.C., 1895. Seventeen trips through Somaliland. London, Rowland Ward, pp. i-xx, 1-386

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Somalia
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The rhinoceros sometimes wanders as far towards the coast as the open grass plains of Toyo, 100 miles south of Berbera. It is common in southern parts of the Haud. We never saw any signs of them during many expeditions in the Habr Awal, Esa and Gadabursi countries.
It is most common in the valleys of the Tug Jerer and Tug Fafan and thence southwards as far as the Webbe. It is also plentiful beyond the Webbe in Gallaland.
It is said to exist to the SE of Berbera, but in our trip to the Dolbahanta country we never saw any.

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