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Verhuell, Q.M.R., 1836. Herinneringen van eene reis naar de Oost-Indie. Haarlem, Vincent Loosjes, vol. 2, pp. i-x, 1-247

Location: World
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Keeping rhino within shallow moat. One day, the Indians in the regency of Kadoe had found the track of a rhinoceros in a remote forest. The resident then was told about it. The Indians said that one only needed to dig a shallow moat of minor breath to keep the animal captive. Possibly the weight of the animal makes it impossible for him to take this hurdle. Soon the Javans had surrounded the animal by this shallow moat. After a while, when the rhino had eaten all the foliage, people were convinced by the truth of the tale, because the captive animal showed himself, hoping to get food.

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