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Jachman, H., 1984. Status of the Mwabvi rhino (Diceros bicornis). Nyala 10 (2): 77-90, figs. 1-8, table 1

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Malawi
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Thangadzi River Reserve was established by the British Protectorate Government in 1928 in order to protect the few black rhino remaining in the country.
In 1951, the Mwabvi Game reserve, 131 kmy was proclaimed.
In 1975, few people living between the reserve and the Mozambique border were removed and the reserve enlarged to 351 kmy.
In 1982, people who before lived in the extension were allowed to return to their villages.

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