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Renshaw, G., 1904. Natural history essays. London and Manchester, Sherratt and Hughes, pp. i-xv, 1-218

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The following is the scanty list of the appearances of R. simus since 1890:
1892. Messrs. Eyre and Coryndon, in August, 1892, saw a bull, cow and calf all together: the next day they met a large cow, a half-grown individual, and a calf. The calf died in captivity after a few days.
1893. Two adult bulls were shot in July, in Mashonaland, by Mr. R. C. Coryndon.
1894. Six animals were killed in Zululand by the late Mr. C. R. Varndell and a friend.
1895. A fine bull was shot by Mr. Eyre in North Mashonaland.
1897. The spoor of a bull and a cow were seen in Matawamba by Mr. F. V. Kirby.
1903. Dr. Gunning, of the Pretoria Museum and Zoological Gardens, kindly informs me that four individuals still linger near Lake Ngami: there were eleven before the outbreak of the war in 1899, four in Zululand, and seven near Ngami.
These complete the list.

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