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Renshaw, G., 1904. Natural history essays. London and Manchester, Sherratt and Hughes, pp. i-xv, 1-218

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Finally, I may mention my own specimen, brought home a year or two back from South Africa by Mr. Penfold, an engineer working on the railway near Buluwayo. It is an anterior horn of the mohohu type, said to have been picked up amongst the sedges of a river. One may reasonably conclude that it had dropped out of some hunter's waggon in fording the stream, and that it was obtained much further up country than the locality where it was found. In spite of its history, the horn is in good preservation, and but little defaced, though the base has apparently been gnawed by rats. It is longer than the anterior horns borne by the mounted specimens either at Tring or South Kensington, taping exactly 2 feet; the circumference at the base is 17 + inches.

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