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Cooke, C.K., 1964. Animals in Southern Rhodesian rock art. Arnoldia 1 (13): 1-22, figs. 1-10

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
- rockart - Ceratotherium simum. How these animals were distributed several hundred years ago, is not known. The late Mr. Macdougal, founder of the Triangle Sugar Estates, told me that when he entered Southern Rhodesia, circa 1920, he saw three White Rhinoceros near the junction of the Sabi and Lundi Rivers. He also told me that two of these had been shot soon afterwards, but he had lost track of the third one. This record is after the last one published, which was shot by F. C. Selous in the Angwa River Valley during 1911.

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