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Newton, A., 1903. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, photographs of the white rhinoceros taken by C R Saunders. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1903 (1): 222-224, figs. 39-40

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Saunders was Chief Magistrate and Civil Commissioner in Zululand
I visited the reserve in which they lived for this special purpose [of acquiring a photo] last winter [1902]. Their traces were abundant, but my time was limited, and they could not be found. There are, I believe, about ten of these animals living in that reserve.
Early last December [1902] two bulls, one a very old one and the other not full-grown, strayed out of the reserve into one of the native locations and were killed. I obtained three photographs of one of them, the old bull, taken by an amateur two or three days after it had died. The killing of these two rhinoceroses was most unfortunate. They suddenly appeared among some native kraals, and the men went out and attacked them with spears. The young one was killed outright; that of which the photograph was taken travelled a long distance after being wounded, and was not found until some days had elapsed.

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