user: pass:

Cordes, J.W.H., 1881. De djati-bosschen op Java; hunne natuur, verspreiding, geschiedenis en exploitatie. Batavia, Ogilvie and Co, pp. i-vii, 1-318

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
According to tradition, a rhinoceros was seen in the residency of Rembang in olden days. In the western part of the district Ngawen [=Ngawi, 7.25 S, 111.26E], on the border of the residencies Rembang and Semarang, south of the Bandoel in the midst of a Djati-forest, there is a dried-up waterhole, which formerly received water from a spring, where the rhinoceros would have lived. - Rembang, north coast, 6.42 S, 111.21 E

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