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Natal Parks Board, 1965. 17th Annual Report, 1 April 1964 - 31 March 1965. Typewritten Report. Pietermaritzburg, NPB

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
During 1964/65 111 white rhino were immobilized, and 89 were distributed as follows:
Translocated to other parts of the republic - 75
Exported to swaziland - 2
Exported overseas - 12
Altogether 12 white rhino were translocated to Kruger NP during 1963 and 1964, which is their total herd. Those to overseas went to:
Alberta, Canada - 1 pair
Hanover, Germany - 6
USA - 1 pair
Burma - 1 pair
Black rhino were also succesfully immoblised and translocated.

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