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Pienaar, U. de V., 1963. The large mammals of the Kruger National Park: their distribution and present-day status. Koedoe 6: 1-37

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The square-lipped rhinoceros was at one time an inhabitant of the present Kruger National Park, although there is no evidence that it ever occurred in the area north of the Sabi River.
It had been exterminated many years before the proclamation of the old Sabi Game Reserve in 1898 by native, half-caste and other hunters from the east coast. According to Glynn (1926) a few remained near Lower Sabi until the later 'seventies'. Stevenson-Hamilton (1947) thought it possible that the earliest white hunters and pioneers may have encountered it in these regions, but it certainly did not exist after the seventies of the last century. Their habitat of choice seems to have been the higher lying regions around Nelspruit, White River and Pretoriuskop and possibly also the open country of the Lebombo Flats south of the Sabi.

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