user: pass:

Foster, J.B.; Coe, M.J., 1968. The biomass of game animals in Nairobi National Park, 1960-66. Journal of Zoology, London 155: 413-425, figs. 1-4, tables 1-4

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Ecology - Population
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Nairobi NP, Kenya
Adjusted weight: 998.8 kg
Average No. Average biomass
Animals/ kg/
1961 10 counts 0.035 35.0
1962 11 counts 0.035 35.0
1963 7 counts 0.035 35.0
1966 10 counts 0.14 140.0
Mean 1962-1966 0.069 70.0

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