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Wilson, R.T., 1979. Wildlife in Southern Darfur, Sudan: distribution and status at present and in the recent past. Mammalia 43 (3): 323-338, fig. 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Southern Darfur. Rhinos were reported to be fairly numerous in the extreme south-west, between Hofret-en-Nahas and Kafia Kingi on a number of occasions in the early 20th century (SIR no.105, April 1903; ffrench-Comyn 1911). It was previously recorded by Browne (1799) and Btckhardt (1819).
There does not appear to be any later refererence to rhino in Darfur other than in 1951 (Game Preservation Branch, 1951) which says that the `white rhino possibly occurs along the Bahr el Arab.'
The most recent actual report of rhino near to our area was, however, a black rhino in 1946 near to wau about 300 km to the south of the Nahr el Arab (Blancou 1958).
It is certain that neither species of rhino now occurs in Darfur, and they have probably been extinct in the whole province for at least 40 years.

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