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Groeneveldt, W., 1938. Een overzicht van de vaste trekwegen van olifanten in Zuid-Sumatra alsmede eenige gegevens over rhinocerossen. Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Commissie voor Internationale Natuurbescherming 12: 73-109, pl. 1, map 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The rhinoceros is practically exterminated in large parts of Sumatra, certainly the one-horned species and the few remaining animals have retreated to remote and inhospitable regions.
None of our reporters could estimate the number of rhinos, but all agreed that very few were left. It can be taken to be correct that in South Sumatra only few tens are left, and the question is if the number is not already below the minimum to guarantee the continued existence of the species.

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