user: pass:

Schomber, H.W., 1966. Die Verbreitung und der Bestand des zentralafrikanischen Breitmaulnashorns, Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker, 1908). Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen 14: 214-227, figs. 1-4, tables 1-12

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In March 1961, 10 white rhino were captured in the Madi District and released in the Murchison Falls NP east of the Nile, in a region where they never occurred in historic times. Here the animals are well guarded and enjoy suitable protection. Of the 10 animals released, there were 8 still alive in 1963.

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