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Wray, L., 1905. Rhinoceros trapping. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 1 (2): 63-65

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Extracted in Boettger 1905. In and near the Dindings, the catching and exporting of rhinoceros has been, in the past, quite a regular trade. It is said by the local Malays that some fifty of these animals have been caught there altogether; and that formerly they were very plentiful, but now have become scarce and difficult to trap.
These notes were made in 1901, when an attempt was made to procure a specimen of Rhinoceros sondaicus for the British Museum. It, however, was discovered that this species did not occur near the Dindings. Three animal of Dicerorhinus sumatrensis were caught. One went to Perak Museum, one died from an old wound, the third was transported to Singapore.

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