user: pass:

Knollys, A.C.; Lyell, D.D., 1932. Rhinoceros: pp. 113-115

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445

Location: World
Subject: Ecology - Habitat
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Of all the larger game he keeps furthest away from the habitations of man. In East Africa instead of being a plains-loving animal as formerly, constant persecution is, I believe, making him more of a bush-dweller.
It is almost incredible how an animal of that size can manage to get any nutriment from the dry hard thorns which comprise its food, and which account for its prevalence in the dense thorn bush of Kenya. It is local in its habits and does not wander very far from one place. While water is apparently not a daily necessity it will drink every day or rather by night - if possible, and will be therefore found usually in the vicinity of a river or water hole.

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