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Hoogerwerf, A., 1938. Among rhino and Javanese wild ox (banteng) in the Oedjoeng Koelon Game Reserve. Nature Protection in the Netherlands Indies Dept. of Economic Affairs, Batavia: 9-14, figs. 1-6

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Towards the end of August of last year I made an official trip of about six weeks' duration through the game reserve of Oedjoeng Koelon, a peninsula in the south-west of Bantam (Java). I was specially interested in exploring the interior, into which, as far as I know, no European had as yet penetrated; but this is not to be wondered at, seeing that the virgin state of this region renders exploration exceedingly difficult, and demands great physical endurance.
Several of the larger freshwater rivers, indeed, can partly be navigated in small proas, but under the most favourable circumstances this is only possible for a couple of miles where- upon the journey must be continued on foot. Even in the dry season this is no easy matter, not so much because one must continually wade up to one's waist in the water, but mainly since one is compelled time and again to leave the river bed, either because fallen trees or other obstacles block the way, or else because the water suddenly deepens, making further foothold impossible, so that swimming would be the only alternative. Then one scrambles up the frequently sheer river bank, where a path must be cleared through the dense vegetation, mainly consisting of a thick growth of various bamboo species particularly luxurious along these rivers. One of the greatest trials of the explorer is the thorny bamboo, whilst the prickly 'Isalak' and various species of rattan (hoj?), make the going very difficult, especially for the native carriers. Fortunately I had more than one pair of shoes in my kit, and these I made the carriers wear in this `domain of the thorn'.

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