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Bourquin, O.; Sowler, S.G., 1980. The vertebrates of Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, I. Lammergeyer 28: 20-32, figs. 1-2

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Reserve 20 km inland from Park Rynie on Natal coast, ca. 30.15 S, 30.35 E. Proclaimed in 1972 with 755 ha, added to in 1976 to be 2189 ha. Six white rhino were introduced from Umfolozi between Feb and March 1968. Two died after falling from a cliff. The species is not considered to have occurred naturally in the area. As no breeding took place and with problems of fence breakages, the species was removed from the reserve on 30 Nov 1978.

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