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Malaya Game Department, 1939. Malaya: Annual Report on the Game department, for the year 1938. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 38: 32-35

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
On 1 Dec 1938, the caretaker of the ?Cottage', the most distant of the houses on Maxwell Hill, reported damage to buildings by elephants. The superintendent of the hill station, who was just leaving for Penang, had no time to investigate the report in poerson, so passed the news on to the Deputy Game Warden, Perak, at Batu Gajah. The writer decided to visit the spot and reached the ?Cottage' the following evening with an hour's daylight to spare. He was relieved and somewhat amused to see that the tracks of the elephant wwere apparently a rhinoceros and her full-grown calf, and that the building was the tin-shelter over one of the lovers seats that are provided at intervals along the path. Fresh tracks showed the use the animals had made of numerous garden paths and hill-side stairways all round the cottage and how they had brushed between the hedge of the croquet-lawn and the servents quarters. The caretaker, a Madrassi, and unaccustomed to rhinoceros, had been genuinely alarmed.

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