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Walker, C.H., 1994. Black rhino on private land - the experience of Lapalala Wilderness, South Africa. Pachyderm 18: 44-45

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Diceros bicornis. The Iwaba Estate in Zimbabwe, which is approximately the same size as the current Lapalala rhino sanctuary, offers an interesting comparison. The first four mature bulls were introduced over a four-year period (1986-1989), and a total of 25 rhino were translocated to the estate. Every new bull introduced was killed by the resident four. Iwaba also experienced the loss of a number of introduced pregnant females. Nevertheless, 11 calves have been born since 1989 and the present population is 19. The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, Zimbabwe has since translocated four rhino out of the sanctuary.

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