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Hillman Smith, K., 1983. Der Nashornbestand in Afrika. Bongo, Berlin 7: 17-32, figs. 1-6, maps 1-2, table 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
At the start of this century, the northern white rhino probably occurred west of the Nile from the north-western corner of Uganda and north-eastern corner of Zaire, north through Sudan to just above Shambe and west roughly between 5,and 9 dgrees N to the present Central African Republic and southern edge of Tchad. Throughout this range it had a very patchy distribution, probably determined negatively by the presence of people and positively by the burned riverine grasslands associated with areas of savanna woodland and available water. Areas that were given theoretical conservation status included: Ajai Sanctuary and the forest reserves of Mt. Kei and Otze in Uganda; Parc National de la Garamba in Zaire; Nimule and Southern National Parks and Shambe and Numatina Game Reserves in Sudan; Reserve de Zemonga and Parc National de Goz Sassoulka in C.A.R. and Tchad.

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