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Allen, G.M., 1914. Mammals from the Blue Nile valley. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 58: 303-357, figs. 1-3

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
A very few remain on the uppermost reaches of the Dinder River, about a day's march beyond Um Org island, as our native hunters told us. According to our Arab guide, who had hunted this region, one was killed in 1911 on the `mere' near El Abiad by a white hunter who mistook it a night for a buffalo. Beyond Um Orug, at a place called Hageirat, south towards the Abyssinian border, a few are still to be found. Capt. Stanley S. Flower told us at Cairo that so far as he could learn there were probably not more than 10 or a dozen left on the upper Dinder, and these are probably not breeding for the natives report no tracks of young ones.

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