user: pass:

Schomber, H.W., 1966. Die Verbreitung und der Bestand des zentralafrikanischen Breitmaulnashorns, Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker, 1908). Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen 14: 214-227, figs. 1-4, tables 1-12

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Ceratotherium simum . Numbers have been estimated as follows, but the enormous differences shows that some numbers must be used with great caution.
1927, Behr & Meissner 1959, ca. 30
1928, Cave 1963, 130
1939, Cave 1963, 220, none south of Pakwach
1940, Behr & Meissner 1959, 220
1948, Cave 1963, 190, no longer near Rhino Camp
1949, Heppes 1958, 190
1951, Cave 1963, 300
1953, Ionides 1953, ca. 300
1954, Hayes 1964, 500, too high (Schomber)
1955, Cave 1963, 350
1958, Heppes 1958, 335
1958, Bere 1958, 100-150
1959, Behr & Meissner 1959, 600-700, too high (Schomber)
1959, Hayes 1964, 300, realistic (Schomber)
1960, Player & Feely 1960, 250-350
1961, Brooks, in litt., 300
1962, Cave 1963, 80
1962/63, Pitman, in Cave 1963, 70-75
1963, IUCN, 100
1963, Anon. (Afr.Wild Life), 77
1964, Hayes 1964, 71

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