user: pass:

Shortridge, G.C., 1942. Field notes on the first and second expeditions of the Cape Museum's mammals survey of the Cape Province; and descriptions of some new subgenera and subspecies. Annals of the South African Museum 36 (1): 27-100, pls. 6-7

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Although Diceros bicornis was always, presumably, more plentiful than Ceratotherium simum south of the Orange River, !Haba, the Hottentot name, still locally surviving, refers correctly to the white species, an indication of its former occurrence in Little Namaqualand.
Wikar met rhinoceros at Caboopfontein, Kaykoop (many of these early name-places have been lost sight of), and elsewhere in Little namaqualand.

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