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Balen, J.H. van, 1914. De dierenwereld van Insulinde in woord en beeld, I: De zoogdieren. Deventer, J.C. van der Burgh, pp. i-vii, i-xi, 1-505

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Ecology - Habitat
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
It is the largest animal on that island and is widely distributed, although nowhere numerous and it only lives in the remote jungles. They are found in the extensive wet and watery forests near the coast to the dry and windy summits of mountains to a height of 8000 to 9000 feet above the sea. In the mountains it prefers the slopes in the wide and level valleys with streams of small lakes and swamps where it can take bath. Like the buffalo, it lies fully under the water during the heat of the day, with only the front part of the head with the nose and the eyes above the water, or it is found wallowing in the mud. Mohnike remarked that ?with the size of these animals it is remarkable that they will ascend mountains from 8000 to 10.000 feet high. Their paths are found everywhere in the mountain ranges of Java. These paths are known to the natives; they are the deep and well-trodden paths which take you straight through bushes, alan-alang, glaga-fields etc., sometimes in a straight line, sometimes spiralling around the mountain. The natives often use these paths.'

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