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Comyn, D.C.E.ff., 1911. Service & sport in the Sudan: a record of administration in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, with some intervals of sport and travel. London, John Lane and New York, John Lane Co, pp. i-xxiii, 1-331

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Before reaching Beit (the house of) Ali I came upon a rhinoceros. We saw him at the end of a long glade, from the place where I had just shot a waterbuck. There was a strict order against killing rhinoceros unless they charges. I do not think that I quite kept the spirit of the regulation, for i walked in my original direction, though it brought me within thirty yards of him. - At last he turned round, ran a couple of steps towards me, and then turned about and bolted. As that could not be called a charge, I lost my chance. He had quite good horns, and was of the white or grass-eating, square-lipped species, which is the sort in this part of the country. They are pretty numerous. [Beit Ali - near Beit Itman, SW Sudan, see map of Comyn]

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