user: pass:

Heuglin, T. von, 1877. Reise in Nordost-Afrika: Schilderungen aus dem Gebiete der Beni Amer und Habat, nebst zoologische Skizzen und einem Fuhrer fur Jagdreisenden. Braunschweig, Georg Westermann, vol. 2, pp. i-vii, 1-304

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Ethiopia
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
When the animal is encountered suddenly in the open, it sometimes will go towards the people with its head bent down and snorting, apparently from a combination of fear and anger. Once two of my hunters were attacked by three rhinos, which following each other ran towards them with enormous speed. The people had just enough time to jump into the thorn bushes.

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