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Brooks, M., 1997. Chairman's report: African Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 24: 11-13

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
In the last edition of Pachyderm I mentioned the participation of AFRSG members in a workshop to review Zimbabwe's rhino policy. Following the workshop, I am pleased to report that the Zimbabwean Minister of the Environment and Tourism has subsequently published and released the country's new Rhino Policy and Management Plan, and that it incorporates many of the critical success factors recommended by the AfRSG members at the workshop. It is encouraging that the new plan recognises the need for constructive partnerships with the private sector and non-governmental agencies, by requiring the establishment of national and provincial rhino management committees which are to include representation by stakeholders from government, and also from the private sector and civil society. However, it is concerning that a number of properties which currently form part of Zimbabwe's black rhino conservancies have recently been designated for expropriation by the government to provide additional land for resettlement.

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