user: pass:

Anonymous, 1995. News from the Khama Rhino Sanctuary, Serowe. Serondella News 6 (1): 5-6, figs. 1-2

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Feb 1993, a rescue operation in Chobe NP captured 4 white rhino. First arrivals were female 'Basedi' and her calf 'Baba' followed 2 days later by a young bull 'Lerumo' and later a 30 years old bull 'Boss'. All rhino had been dehorned to prevent them injuring themselves during the translocation.
'Lerumo' died after a month, as poachers bullets in Chobe had ripped through his chest and abdomen. Basedi and Baba spend their time in the paddock behind the boma.

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