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Brooks, M., 1997. Chairman's report: African Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 24: 11-13

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Court decisions. Past sentences of those convicted of rhino-related crimes have generally not been commensurate with the severity of the crimes committed (often with only paltry fines being imposed). In an attempt to improve this situation, the AfRSG's Scientific Officer appeared (at the request of Natal Parks Board's Wildlife Investigators and the Endangered Species Protection Unit of the South African Police Service) as an expert state witness in South African rhino horn dealing and poaching cases in KwaZulu-Natal during 1997. In each case, the Scientific Officer worked closely with the investigating officer and prosecutor, and presented both written and verbal statements to the court arguing in aggravation of sentence. In particular, the Scientific Officer stressed the seriousness of rhino crimes, and the need for the imposition of heavy sentences to act as a deterrent.
In the first case, the four convicted of illegal possession and attempted dealing in one rhino horn were sentenced to a total fine of R85,000 (approximately US$17,000), well above the local black market value of the hem, or a total of 9 years 3 months in prison.
In the second case, a man convicted of poaching four white rhinos received the maximum sentence of ten years in jail (plus an effective additional two years for stealing a vehicle used in the crime) without the option of a fine. This was the first time that the maximum jail sentence for a rhino crime had been imposed by a SouthAfrican court.

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