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Martin, E.B.; Vigne, L., 1996. Numbers of greater one-horned rhinos continue to rise. Oryx 30 (3): 163-165, figs. 1-2

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Reasons for decline in rhino poaching:
1. Increased government protection of remnant population in fenced-off reserves.
In kenya, the government developed special black rhino sanctuaries, usually fenced, in Lake Nakuru NP, Nairobi NP and Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary in Tsavo NP.
2. Government encouragement of private wildlife sanctuaries.
Several wealthy and motivated people were allowed by Kenya government to invest in black rhino conservation on private ranches. In 1995, 28% of the 420 black rhino in Kenya were on 5 private sanctuaries.
3. Improved local law enforcement.
4. Drop in international demand of rhino horn.

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