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Western, D., 1983. Chairman's report. Newsletter of the African Elephant and Rhino Group 2: 3-5

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Plans of Rhino group. In 1981 the Wankie meeting recognized that the northern white rhino (Caratotherium simum cottoni) presented the most urgent conservation challenge, yet, in spite of funds already allocated by WWF, no action had been taken. The Nairobi meeting of AERSG set as its first priority the task of initiating a conservation programme. Pat Rogers of UNDP Zaire had already been in contact with IUCN over the plight of white rhinos in Garamba National Park, and lan Hughes and Kes Hiliman were sent on an emergency mission in November 1982 to report on what could be done. As a result of their visit, and urgent pleas from the Zaire government, anti-poaching equipment is on its way to Garamba to help protect the rhino population, now reckoned to number in the low tens, down from over 400 in the early 1970s. Kes Hillman is also engaged on a much larger survey, recommended by AERSG, that will assess the status of northern white rhinos and recommend what action can be taken to conserve them in Zaire and Sudan, the two countries where they still occur. Kes Hiliman reports more about the project in this Newsletter.

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