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Schomber, H.W., 1966. Die Verbreitung und der Bestand des zentralafrikanischen Breitmaulnashorns, Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker, 1908). Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen 14: 214-227, figs. 1-4, tables 1-12

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Ceratotherium simum. About 1910. The white rhino occurred in NW Uganda west of the Nile (Albert Nile) between Dufile in the north and Pakwach in the south in the districts of West-Madi, Aringa, Koboko, Terego, Madi, Okoro and Jonam. With the exception of the Aringa and Koboko districts, the range extended westwards to the Nile valley (about 40-45 km west of the river). Only in the extreme north the white rhino extended into the valley and towards the populations in NE Congo and S Sudan.
About 1958. Since 1949 the population increased. The range was limited to West Nile and West Madi districts. The southern boundary lies at this time near the Ora River between Inde and Pakwach. The western boundary is only crossed in the regions of Mount Kei and Midigo towards the north-west.
About 1962-1964. According to the work of Cave, the number of rhinos decreases alarmingly due to poaching. About 80 animals live in the districts Madi, West Madi and Aringa, on one elongated piece of land 120 km long and 30-50 km wide. About 25-30 animals are in Aringa and West Madi, 50 in Madi in the swamps along the Nile. The West Madi and Aringa population consists of two groups, one near Lomunga Game Camp, the other near Laufori. The first group lives in the area between the Obongi-Itula road and the Nile, the second group is small (2-3 animals) north of the Moyo-Arua road. The other animals are south of the road.hayes still has a total of 71 animals.

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