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Natal Parks Board, 1952. 4th Annual Report, 1 April 1951 - 31 March 1952. Typewritten Report. Pietermaritzburg, NPB, pp. 1-25

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
During Sep 1950 a count of White Rhino was published as being 554 - including 97 calves under 2 ? years old. This count was effected from the ground at the end of 1948, and the Board hopes to carry out a check count in the near future, probably from the air.
Two Ceratotherium simum for some accountable reason travelled purposely as far west as the Mahlabatini-Melmoth main road and were without difficulty returned over some 25 miles to the reserve by the Ranger.

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