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Kinnaird, M.F.; O'Brien, T.G., 1995. Sumatran rhino in Bukit Barisan. Asian Rhinos 2: 7, fig. 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, located on the southern tip of Sumatra, is the third largest protected area in Sumatra (235,000 ha) and is believed to contain one of the largest remaining populations of Sumatran rhino on the island. Although rhino surveys were conducted by Park staff in 1987 and 1990, these surveys were limited to the southern portion of the reserve near the Blambangan and Seman Rivers. Until recently, ground surveys in other areas had not been conducted. In March 1995, we conducted approximately 150 km of ground surveys throughout the reserve. Rhino scrapings and prints were found in three areas: the upper catchment of the Blambangan River (1 scraping), the forest edge near the village of Pangekahan, adjacent to a proposed hunting concession (2 scrapings and 1 set of prints), and 1 set of prints near Way Paya, between the villages of Pangekahan and Way Haru, approximately 1 hour inland from the coast. Villagers from Way Haru claim to recognize 3 different set of prints. All of these sightings were in the southern region of the Park. Although we spent several days in areas of excellent lowland forest between the newly constructed Sukaradja-Bengkunat road and the village of Way Haru, we found no sign of rhino. Additional surveys on the northern boundary of Lampung Province, near the village of Rata Agung produced no sightings. Rattan and garahu collectors active in the area claim that no rhinos have been sighted for over 10 years. In all areas surveyed, representative Sumatran mammals were sighted or signs were detected (e.g. elephant, sun bear, sambar deer, muntjac, mouse deer, pig, otter). Prints of tapir were sighted only in those areas where rhino were also detected.
Our sightings seem to support the general impression that the southern region of Bukit Barisan Selatan N.P. provides better habitat relative to the north for Sumatran rhinos. This may be due to the swampy conditions and more open canopy of the southern forests, or better protection in the south. We believe the proposed hunting reserve in the area of highest rhino density is cause for concern. Ground surveys in Bengkulu Province are still needed.

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