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Broom, R., 1946. The first white rhino in captivity. Natural History 55 (9): 432-433, figs. 1-3

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
As civilization advanced, the number of White Rhinos was rapidly reduced, so that by the end of the century fears were expressed concerning its survival. Fortunately it was learned in 1894 that a few had still survived in Zululand. In Zululand it was thought that only about a dozen head were left. Richard Lydekker, in a book published in 1917, did not seem to think there was any hope of the Zululand herd surviving. Fortunately with strict governmental protection the small herd has steadily and rapidly increased, and about 200 White Rhinos are believed to be living now in Zululand.

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