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Khan, M., 1989. Asian Rhinos: an action plan for their conservation. Gland, IUCN, pp. i-iv, 1-23

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Translocation of some animals from Ujung Kulon to Way Kambas or Bukit Barisan Selatan should be seriously considered.
A second approach is that the Indonesian authorities should consider bringing some animals into a captive breeding project to be based at least partly in Indonesia.
Action Plan
1. Conduct an intensive survey in Ujung Kulon National Park, Java, to determine more precisely the size and composition of the population surviving there. The intensive survey should be carried out by competent ecologists.
This is an essential pre-requisite to recommending further conservation action.
2. Determine what resources are currently available, and those that are additionaflv required, to provide adequate protection for the population in Ujung Kulon. This should include a consideration of human needs in the buffer-zone outside the park.
This should lead to a comprehensive management plan for the entire area, which should include:
- strong anti-poaching measures;
- training of PHPA staff at all levels in wildlife and protected area management;
- an extensive public education programme among local people as to the unique importance of Ujung Kulon National Park and its rhinos;
- initiation of appropriate forms of development in a bufferzone outside the park to enable local people to derive tangible economic benefits from the park.
4. Develop as soon as possible a captive propagation programme, based on information obtained by the intensive survey of Ujung Kulon and the explorations in Indochina.
This is is essential, since the population in Ujung Kulon is not large enough, and probably never could be, to be viable in genetic and demographic terms. The only possibility to ex- pand the population rapidly, and thereby arrest the continuing loss of genetic variation, is to develop a captive breeding programme. This should be done as a collaboration between the Indonesian Government and North American and European zoos. The programme will need to consider where the initial breeding centre should be located and how to expand the population as quickly as possible, and yet minimise demands on the wild population.
5. Introduce and enforce strict measures to prohibit the use of Javan rhino products in Indonesia.

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