user: pass:

Groeneveldt, W., 1938. Een overzicht van de vaste trekwegen van olifanten in Zuid-Sumatra alsmede eenige gegevens over rhinocerossen. Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Commissie voor Internationale Natuurbescherming 12: 73-109, pl. 1, map 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The following rhino wallows were reported. In subdivision Seloema. A location for rhinos was given as the Boekit Tjampang, which is connected to the Goenoeng Dempo, but no particulars could be obtained. The pasirah of Ngalam said that he went hunting, many years ago, together with a certain Bansariwas, but without result, starting from Pagar Alam (Palembang) and that they found a wallow with a diameter of 30 vadem on the slopes of the Boekit Dingin, on the border of Palembang and Benkoelen.

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