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Stevens, W.E., 1968. The rare large mammals of Malaya. Malayan Nature Journal 22 (1): 10-17, fig. 1, table 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Metcalfe (1961) estimated that there were 50 Sumatran rhinoceroses remaining in Malaya, though he conceded that the actual figure might lie between 30 and 70 animals. Milton (1963), after spending a year or so studying the situation, decided that Metcalfe was reasonably correct in his estimate, and presented his own figures by States (Table 1). Hislop (1968) was much less optimistic and suggested that the population was 10 animals, with a possibility of there being as many as 30. Strickland (1967) was wise enough not to make an estimate of total numbers and confined his efforts to recording the number in the Sungei Dusun Game Reserve (3-5 animals). He also was able to confirm the presence of 3 animals in Perak.
The information from the Game Departments, the field geologists, the Forest Department and from personal observations for 1967 and 1968 is presented in Table 1. It represents actual locations where rhinoceroses or their recent footprints were recorded; but with some guesses about duplication. So it is still an estimate and a more systematic recording of occurrences over a period of time is needed. The State Game Departments are the logical agencies to collect those data.
1963 1968
Johore 10 5
Pahang 8 3
Negri Sembilan 0 0
Selangor 5 3
Perak 10 5
Trengganu 5 0
Kelantan 5 1
Kedah 4 0
Perlis 0 0
National Park n/a 3
Total 47 20

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