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Western, D.; Vigne, L., 1984. The status of rhinos in Africa. Pachyderm 4: 5-6, 1 map, fig. 1, tables 1-2

Location: Africa
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
By using Groves' (1967) classification of black rhino subspecies and their geographic distribution, we can get some idea of how the seven recognized races have fared (Table 2). The three subspecies occupying the northern-most range, ladoensis, brucii and longipes, have virtually been exterminated. The remaining few hundred are widely scattered and heavily hunted and could become extinct in the next few years. Chobiensis in the southern continent has also dwindled to a hundred or so animals, and is in danger of extinction. Bicornis, though only a few hundred in number, seems well protected in southern Africa. Michaeli, which numbers several hundred, is well protected in various Kenya sanctuaries, but is still vulnerable elsewhere. Minor, the most widespread and numerous subspecies, numbers several thousand, or more than two third of all black rhinos, and is doing fairly well.

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