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Lawley, J., 1987. The survival of the black rhino. Oryx 21 (3): 183

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
It appears that poaching of rhino in the Zambezi valley is being carried out by highly organised gangs operating across the river from Zambia. The gangs consist of the same people who have reduced the blakc rhino population of Lungwa valley from 3000 in the mid-1970s to a mere 200 now. The National Parks department in Zimbabwe is fighting back (literally). A total of 22 poachers have been killed by National Parks anti-poaching units, which are currently being strengthened with extra teams. In their operations National Parks have the help of the police Support unit, a helicopter donated by the World Wildlife Fund and dramatically imporved communications thanks to sophisticated radios donated by SAVE in the USA.

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