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Renshaw, G., 1904. Natural history essays. London and Manchester, Sherratt and Hughes, pp. i-xv, 1-218

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Status
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Thus has the great white rhinoceros practically vanished from South Africa, where once it occurred in a teeming abundance difficult to realise at the present day. One cannot expect that the few survivors (now protected as far as possible) will restore the race, though the belated game regulations are no dead letter. In 1897-8 two Europeans who had killed a pair of simus (the female being in calf) were very properly compelled to pay a heavy fine. Such stringent measures at an earlier date might have saved to future generations of South African naturalists - and under proper restrictions, of sportsmen also- this curious behemoth, whose monstrous size and antediluvian appearance constitute it a worthy ally of the hornless amynodon and the huge elasmotherium of Miocene and Pleistocene times.

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