| Sclater, P.L. 1872 On Rhinoceros lasiotis. Athenaeum 1872 August 24 (no. 2339): 243 |
Asia - South Asia - Pakistan
Distribution - Records
Indian Rhino
| In answer to Colonel Strachey, Dr Sclater said that nothing was known of the rhinoceros which within the historic period existed on the Indus; but the examination of caves might bring some of its remains to light. |
| Moris, M. 1826 Miroir du pays ou relation des voyages de Sidi Aly fils d'Housain, nomme ordinairement Katibi Roumis, amiral de Soliman II, traduite sur la version allemande de M. de Diez (suite). Journal Asiatique 9: 193-217 |
Asia - South Asia - Pakistan
Distribution - Records
Indian Rhino
| Travels of Sidi Aly or Katibi Roumis. We reached the town of Pourschewer and after passing the Koutel, we came to the town of Djouschayeh. On the Koutel, we saw rhinoceroses, of which the size was like that of a small elephant. Those rhinoceroses have a horn on the forehead which is two palmes... |
| Sidi Aly/Sidi Ali 1826 Miroir des pays
| In: Moris, M. Miroir du pays ou relation des voyages de Sidi Aly fils d'Housain, nomme ordinairement Katibi Roumis, amiral de Soliman II, traduite sur la version allemande de M. de Diez (suite). Journal Asiatique 9: 193-217 |
Asia - South Asia - Pakistan
Indian Rhino
| Seydi Ali Reis traveled in 1554. The account was written in 1559. Journey from Peshawar (N.Pakistan) to Kabul (N.Afghanistan) [94] Nous vinmes à la ville de Pourschewer, et ayant ainsi heureusement passé le Koutel, nous gagnames la ville de Djourschayeh. Sur le Koutel, nous apercumes des... |