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Title: Jaarverslag over 1933
Author(s): Endert, F.H.; Dahler, E.
Year published: 1935
Journal: Verslag van de Nederlandsch Indische Vereeniging tot Natuurbescherming
Volume: 1933-1934
Pages: 7-13
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Poaching
Sumatran Rhino
From the Southern and Eastern Division from Borneo it is reported that the new game ordinance is strictly followed. Several offenders have been sentenced.

Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Distribution - Poaching
Javan Rhino
In 1933 there was anothr poaching activity in U.k. The perpetrators were caught and sentenced to a long jail term. It is hoped that the example will make an end to the poaching.

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