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Title: Wildreservaten in Koetai
Author(s): Witkamp, J.
Year published: 1932
Journal: Verslag van de Nederlandsch Indische Vereeniging tot Natuurbescherming
Volume: 1929-1931
Pages: 84-86, fig. 11
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
In the subdivisions West Kutai, rhinos only occur in the northern part in the area north of the parellel passing over Long Bleh on the Belajan River. In East Kutai the distribution stretches more to the south to the Makaham River. There are no rhinos south of these rivers in Kutai. In the nort...

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
in the South and East province of Kalimantan. Rhinoceros live on the slopes of the mountains along the border and also in the mountainous forets of the subdivisions of Tidoengsche Landen, Boelongan, Apo-Kajan, Beraoe, West Koetia, Pasir, Tandjong and Kota Waringin. The distribution is wide but ...

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Since 1 July 1931 the new Animal protection Ordinance does not only forbid the possession of the protected animals or parts of them, but also the export, which includes rhinoceros.

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