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Title: Uganda protectorate, Game Department, Extracts from Annual report for the year ended 31st December, 1932
Author(s): Uganda Game Department
Year published: 1934
Journal: Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire
Volume: 22
Pages: 34-45
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Distribution - Poaching
White Rhino
1932 - West Nile. It seems almost inevitable that at least one of these grand animals will be shot each year by some person who had overlooked or disbelieves in the mass of accumulated proff of the utter harmlessness of these animals. Residents in West Nile become accustomed to meeting these eno...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Behaviour - Towards Man
White Rhino
It seems almost inevitable that at least one of these grand animals will be shot each year by some person who had overlooked or disbelieves in the mass of accumulated proof of the utter harmlessness of these animals. Residents in West Nile become accustomed to meeting these enormous brutes, but ...

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