user: pass:

Ward, A.E., 1887. The sportsman's guide to Kashmir & Ladak, &c. Third, revised edition. Calcutta, Calcutta Central Press, pp. 1-120

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
For Rhinoceros, the Darjeeling Terai ; or if possible enlist the aid of some Indian Potentate, who can show the visitor sport. Even with a pass to shoot in Nepal it is very difficult to get a Rhinoceros. To get the assistance of friends in Assam or Bhootan may not be difficult to some of my readers, and, if so, it should be easy to shoot the greater Rhinoceros.
In Burmah there are great difficulties in the way of sport owing to the denseness of the jungle. I am not certain whether the vicinity of Calcutta and the Sunderbunds would supply R. sondaicus or the lesser Rhinoceros.

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