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Airaghi, C., 1926. Considerazioni filogenetiche sui Rinoceronti d’Europa. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia, Milano; XXXII (I-III): 23-46, 1 figure, 5 tables.

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy - Evolution
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Phylogenetic relationship among the rhinoceros species represents a problem still unresolved.
On the other hand, there are some complex problems which lead to heated debates regarding this theme. Though subject of several systematic studies since some time, yet, no agreement has been reached so far by palaeontologists as to the positions of the different rhinoceros species which have been – and still are – decidedly controversial. For more detailed data on the rhinoceros phylogenetic studies vide autem in Osborn (1900), Soergel (1914), Matthew (1931), Borissyak (1935, 1938), Gromova (1935:125, 1965:52, 1967:149), Wood (1941, 1949), Viret (1958), Thenius (1969), Heissig (1973, 1981), Rensberger & Koenigswald (1980), Guérin (1980, 1982), Groves (1983), Prothero & al. (1986, 1989), Fortelius & al. (1993), Cerdeño (1995, 1998, inter alios).
Papers of some of the above mentioned authors are available on the RRC site.

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