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Newman, E., 1872. Arrival of a Sumatran rhinoceros at the Zoological Gardens. Zoologist (2) 7: 3057-3060

Location: Captive - Europe
Subject: Captivity - Zoo Records
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The Sumatran rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sumatranus) is much less than the Indian species, Rhinoceros unicornis, two magnifcent specimens of which are already in our collection, both unfortunately mutilated by the loss of their horn: the first loss, that of the male, was an instance of self-mutilation, for he absolutely forced the horn off of his own accord by employing it as a lever, apparently with the view of removing one of the bars of his enclosure; before this event the horn was observed to be loosened, and it is possible that might have caused some irritation.

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