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Mentis, M.T., 1972. A review of some life history features of the large herbivores of Africa. Lammergeyer 16: 1-89

Location: World
Subject: Reproduction
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Gestation periods.
469 days (Dittrich 1967)
446, 478 days (Goddard 1967)
457 days (Gowda 1967)
438, 419, 438 days (Greed 1967.
4 observations of slightly greater than 17 months, another of 15 months (Hallstrom 1967)
463, 454, 457 days (Hays 1967)
465, 462 days (Yamamoto 1967)
Mean length of gestation period about 454 days.

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